Monday, August 8, 2016

Trauma Team (Wii) - A Break from Strategy Games

I'm really fond of strategy games, but there comes a time when I also need to take a break from them, especially when these games are the hard ones which can give you nice headaches thinking of strategies (I'm looking at you, Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest).

A friend of mine, who is a medicine student, introduced to me Trauma Team. Knowing that this game is like the medicine games which are released in smartphones, I did not even think of trying the game.

When I told my sister about the game, she said that she wanted to try out the game. In fact, she is going to take up medicine once she finishes pre-med. So I got the game for her.

As I watched my sister play, I saw that the game is very different from the ones on the smartphones. Trauma Team is actually better.

There came a time when I wanted to try the game for myself, to try a different gameplay, and of course, the story.

The story is pretty interesting, that I was able to finish the game even before finishing Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest. Even though the degree I'm taking up is not connected to medicine in any way, the game introduced me to medicine in a nice way.

The game has six types of fields, for six different characters.

First off is general surgery. In this field, you play as CR-S01, a prisoner who has very good medical skills. Suffering from amnesia, he cannot recall even his own name. Hence, he is called by his prisoner code.

His gameplay uses the Wii remote as if the player is the one who is doing the surgery itself. Kinda annoying if the Wii remote does not properly detect the sensor bar (which happens a lot in my case because of the TV placing).

Vitals system is used in his levels, where an operation fails when the vitals reach 0.

Second, we have Maria Torres, who is a paramedic. She specializes in first response, or in my knowledge, first aid.

Just like CR-S01, the Wii remote is used as if the player is treating the injured people. The hard part started on the last chapters, where there are too many injured people arriving at the same time to be treated.

Like CR-S01, vitals system is also used in her levels, but the operation fails when many patients' vitals drop to 0.

Third, we have Hank Freebird, a.k.a. Captain Eagle, a part time hero. He is an ex-soldier who is now a surgeon. He specializes in Orthopedics.

Unlike those mentioned above, Hank's levels promote more accurate procedures, rather than doing them fast because of the time pressure of the vitals system.

His missions fail, when the player reaches a number of mistakes, rather than vitals reaching 0.

Fourth, is Tomoe Tachibana, who always mentions her "Path of Honor". She specializes in Endoscopy, a field of medicine which I have no idea what it is, before I played her chapters.

Her levels also use the vitals system, and is a pretty different type of surgery. In her levels, the players acts as if he is controlling the endoscope (I think?).

Not really a fun level, because it gets annoying especially in levels with a lot of branches like the bronchioles of the lungs, not to mention there's a time limit on these kinds of levels.

Fifth is Gabe Cunningham, who is diagnostician. As his profession implies, he specializes in diagnostics.

His missions are nice, because I get to know more about medicine, and some kinds of sickness. The Wii remote can act as a stethoscope too!

The only part I don't like in his levels, is playing spot the difference between two images of X-ray, MRI and etc. I'm not familiar with those terms.

Be careful not to make too many mistakes!

Lastly, is Naomi Kimishima, a.k.a. "Corpse Whisperer". She used to be a surgeon in an earlier game. Now, she specializes in Forensics.

Autopsy missions are my favorite in this game, since it is not focused on medicine. I always wanted to try detective games, and game has a good autopsy game.

Kinda gets hard on the later levels, but still a fun game, because it promotes good critical thinking skills. It's also nice to have an autopsy game for once.

Thanks to my friend who showed me this, I will also try playing Trauma Center: Second Opinion, and other games in the series.

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